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单身毒妈 第六季video download_欧美剧 - 免费短视频分享大全 - 大中国
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单身毒妈 第六季

单身毒妈 第六季


Age:2010  Region:美国  Type:欧美 

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Plot introduction

  http://www.sho.com/site/weeds/home.do  When Weeds premieres its sixth season on August 16, Nancy and company are on the run after Shane murdered Pilar with a croquet mallet. (These things happen to the Botwins.)  According to Entertainment Weekly, a pair of familiar faces with be joining the family on the Showtime hit.  Linda Hamilton, the original Sarah Connor, will portray an eco-conscious marijuana grower. Along with her life partner, this character will helps Nancy settle in Seattle.  Also, Peter Stormare (Prison Break, Entourage) will play a hot-tempered German chef and Andy's new boss.   expand all

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